Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Jade costume history


Daughter of the first Green Lantern, Jenny Lynn Hayden developed the power to generate the same mystical Starheart energies that fueled her father's ring and became the hero known as Jade. Able to fly and create any object she could think of out of fiery green energy, Jade had all the powers of a Green Lantern without the need for a power ring. Jade's first costume was a white-and-black sleeveless bodysuit with white boots and and green Starheart symbol. When Jade left her original team, Infinity Inc, to join the corporate superhero team known as the Blood Pack, she donned a dark green-and-silver bodysuit with a pocket belt and a modified star symbol. Jade discovered that the Starheart that was the source of her powers was a sentient being with very dark urges. The Starheart tried to make Jade it's vessel and gave her a starfield patterned black bikini with silver gloves and boots as her new costume. Jade rebelled and sacrificed her powers to seal the Starheart away. Jade's boyfriend Kyle Rayner (the current Green Lantern at the time) gave Jenny a copy of Hal Jordan's (the second Green Lantern of Earth) power ring and with it she wore the classic Green Lantern costume minus the mask. As she began to embrace her role as Earth's newest Green Lantern, Jade altered her costume to make it more her own, making it primarily black and white with Kyle's Green Lantern symbol on it. When Kyle absorbed a massive amount of Green Lantern energy stored in the sun itself, he became the Ion and used his new powers to tap into the residual Starheart energy in Jade's DNA and recreate her powers. Jade celebrated the return of her powers by changing the symbol on her costume back to a star symbol and added white gloves. When Jade became the leader of the hero team known as the Outsiders, she wore a sleeveless black-and white body suit with long black gloves with Green Lantern symbols on the shoulders. Jade died on a mission in outer space, but was resurrected by newly created White Lantern ring. As a White Lantern Jade wore a white-and-silver costume with the White Lantern symbol altered to look like her original symbol. Jade decided that the power of a White Lantern wasn't meant for her, and gave up the ring. She recreated her original costume with the addition of black sleeves, white gloves, and a glowing green crystalline version of her star symbol.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Linda Danvers Costume History


Linda Danvers was Kara Zor-El's replacement as Supergirl, as Kara had been retroactively erased from existence. Linda gained her powers from a protoplasmic life-form called the Matrix, which not only allowed her to shapeshift into a tall statuesque blond at will, but endowed her with superhuman strength, flight, invulnerability, and telekinesis. As Supergirl, Linda wore a blue leotard with a red-and-yellow S-insignia along a gold belt, red skirt, red boots and red cape. Supergirl began to manifest flaming wings of pure energy as it was revealed that the act of Linda and the Matrix fusing had made her an Earth-born angel. During a fight with a demonic entity, the Matrix separated from Linda to save her soul. Despite no longer having the Matrix's powers, Linda somehow retained about half of her orignal super-human strength and limited invulnerability and continued to act as Supergirl. No longer able to shapeshift into her Supergirl form, Linda created a new costume using a blonde wig to hide her natural brown hair along with a white S-shield bare midriff t-shirt, white gloves, a blue minishirt, and a red cape with matching red combat boots. Linda was able to find the Matrix and free her from the demons who held her prisoner and Matrix used her angelic powers to give Linda back her original Supergirl powers before leaving to explore the world on her own.  When a version of the original Kara Zor-El appeared on Earth, Linda learned the young girl was destined to die and took her place on her reality. The Superman of this new reality realized that Supergirl was in fact not his cousin Kara and fell in love with Linda. The two married and had a daughter and Linda became Superwoman, wearing a modified version of her previous costume with replacing the t-shirt with a white leotard and adding a gold belt. Linda eventually ad to give up her new life and restore Kara to her correct reality when she learned that she had greatly altered the timeline and was going to cause multiversal devastation. Linda managed to ensure that her daughter would not be erased once the timeline was reset before being returned to her original reality. Devastated that she had sentenced Kara to die and would never see her daughter again, Linda gave up her life as a superhero. Somehow Linda and Matrix were fused back into an Earth-Born angel once more, with a white toga to match her new flaming white feathered wings, before being trapped in hell for eternity.

In a universe where Kara Zor-El was the only Kryptonian  hero on Earth, Linda never fused with the Matrix and instead used a jetpack and wrist blasters to be the hero known as Interceptor, wearing a red-and-blue bodysuit with a fiery gold angel symbol, a red mask with gold lenses, and silver boots.