Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jean Grey's Phoenix costume history

The many costumes of Jean Grey aka The Phoenix. First Jean wore the black-and-gold uniform of Marvel Girl (later she would trade in the costume for a green mini-dress and a yellow version of her mask), then she bonded with the Phoenix Force and became Phoenix and gained the classic and well-known green-and-gold uniform with the phoenix emblem on a triangular field of black. When she was corrupted by the evil Mastermind, Jean became the Dark Phoenix, and the green of her phoenix costume was changed to dark red with a much larger bird emblem and no black. After she "died" on the moon, Jean came back as Marvel Girl with a green-and-yellow costume. Later Jean switched it for a sleeker red version, and then a blue and yellow version with a tiara. In the 90's Jean reclaimed the name of Phoenix she wore what is considered to be her classic look; a gold-and blue uniform with a tiara and shoulder armor. Once Jean regained the Phoenix Force she switched her costume to a red-and-gold uniform that had aspects of her 90's costume and her Dark Phoenix costume. When the X-Men all got black leather costumes, Phoenix got a black-and-gold uniform. When she fought an evil mutant posing as Magneto, she appeared as a flaming energy version of her Dark Phoenix persona.  When the Magneto impersonator killed Phoenix, a ghostly image of Jean wearing a costume that combined elements of her second Marvel Girl costume and her first Phoenix costume appeared to her daughter Rachel. When the Phoenix Force was damaged it came to Earth and re-bonded with Jean's body to heal itself and placed her in a bright red version of her classic green Phoenix costume, and after Jean asserted her control over the Phoenix she manifested a white version of her first Phoenix costume. And then when a younger version of Jean was transported to the present, young Jean wore a green, white, and black costume as her X-Men uniform. Later she redesigned her costume into a green-and-yellow uniform that combined elements of the classic green Marvel Girl and Phoenix uniforms. In an alternate timeline set during the events of the Avengers vs X-Men, Phoenix evolved her costume into a black-and-red version of her classic Phoenix costume with a golden bird-emblem breastplate. In one proposed comic Jean would have regained the Phoenix Force in the 90s and would have worn a gold-and-black stylized version of her classic Phoenix costume. In an alternate timeline shown in the Mutant X comics, Jean never became the Phoenix and was codenamed Ariel and wore a red-and-gold bodysuit. In the Ultimate Universe, Jean wore a black-and-yellow bare midriff uniform as Marvel Girl, and kept the uniform even when she became the Phoenix. In a parallel universe where events diverged in the 90's with Wolverine's death, Jean had her powers amplified by a villain named Cortez and became the Phoenix again, altering her 90's gold-and-blue costume into a blue-and-gold version of her classic Phoenix costume. In a parallel universe where Jean never left the X-factor team, she wore a black and yellow suit with an x-theme. 150 years from now Jean Grey was resurrected in a dark future world by the Phoenix Force...and found herself in a skimpy and spiky black leather costume and when she used her powers her skin turned to golden flames


  1. This is absolutely wonderful! Thank you for this labour of love and appreciation to the most powerful Force inhabiting a superhero in ANY Comic Universe.

    1. Thank you for you kind comment. Phoenix is by far my favorite comic book character.

  2. Pheonix is my favorite too! What a treat to come across this blog. I'm interested if you have any comments on the Jean Grey/Pheonix/Dark Pheonix costumes and character from the movies, as played by Famke Janssen?

  3. Pheonix is my favorite too! What a treat to come across this blog. I'm interested if you have any comments on the Jean Grey/Pheonix/Dark Pheonix costumes and character from the movies, as played by Famke Janssen?

  4. What comics did she wear the last one in? Thanks!
